Thursday, August 18, 2011

Landscape painting

Here is a little BACK story. 
Once upon a time, my husband was doing some consulting work in Boston. 
The gentleman for whom he was doing consulting work, had coincidentally just purchased a large piece of property in Virginia. 
When he realized that we were contemplating a trial move to the country, 
he offered to rent us the house on the property, as his main interest was the property itself.
So we moved to the country.
The gentleman however, ran into hard times and the property went into foreclosure. 

It was owned by the bank for a few years.
 Eventually it was purchased by a gentleman from Texas, who has old college classmates in this area, like, the manager of the Dave Matthews Band. you know, guys like that. 
The gentleman from Texas worked nothing short of miracles and breathed new life into the sad abandoned property, a vineyard was established, cows share the grass with horses and two amazing silver streamer trailers were erected in an incredible pavillion. Next to the pavillion  is the largest cistern I have ever seen, though I have seen few. 
...and then he asked me to paint a landscape portrait for them to hang in their Texas home and reference the Virginia Property.
The Landscape Painting is done and is ready for delivery - 

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